Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best 5 Organs That Can Be Removed Without Adversely Affecting the Body

And you thought you needed them all. I so beg to differ.

5. Appendix
Everyone knows this one. Sure, some scientists try to say that the appendix has some immunological benefit, but that's never been proven so no. As far as I'm concerned, this is a useless, vestigial organ, and the only time any one actually cares about it is when it has the gall to cause you a severe amount of pain when it gets inflamed. And speaking of gall... 

4. Gallbladder
While substantially more useful than the appendix (i.e., it actually has a use) the gallbladder is not necessary to survival. Its role in the body, where it's located right behind the liver, is to deliver bile to the small intestine to help in the digestion of fats. When it's removed (often because of the appearance of gallstones, solids surrounded by bile, that get lodged in places you don't want something lodged in) the liver compensates by just pushing the bile into the small intestine itself.

3. Spleen
The spleen, fine organ that it is, actually does have an immunological role, unlike that lousy appendix. Recent studies have shown that the spleen is a major hang out spot for monocytes, immune cells that help fight infections. When the spleen needs to removed because of -ironically enough, infection- other organs like the liver take over some of its immune duties. Unfortunately, they can never truly take over the spleen's job, so it's recommended that people with splenectomies have a lot of vaccinations to prevent infection.

2. Uterus
Unless you want babies, you don't need a uterus. But if you really want them, never fear! Remember, removing your uterus doesn't mean removing your ovaries, so there are still some eggs in there. In these modern times, those eggies can be transplanted into a surrogate and voila, babytime. Also, with no uterus, you don't get your period! I'm just saying, that would be friggin' awesome. 

1. Kidney
What'd I tell you? Adorable.
I feel like the kidney is a glamor removable organ. Everybody knows about it, and for some reason, it seems like whenever they're brought up, it's because somebody wants one. Go figure. But besides being the most adorable organ in the body (seriously, when you see a transplanted kidney in a bio textbook, it looks like a little baby snug in its mama's embrace. The mama in this case is the hip bone) they're pretty darn useful. In fact, they're so good at doing their job of clearing toxins and producing urine that you only need one! The only catch is that once one is removed, it's best not to play it fast and loose with the toxins you put it your body.

Also, because I don't think I've said it in awhile, the appendix sucks.

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