Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best 5 Obscure Comic Book Characters

Sure, everyone knows Spiderman, Superman and Batman, but what about the other superheroes, the ones who toil in anonymity, saving lives and stopping crimes with no comic book reader paying attention? This will not stand! So here it is, a list of characters as cool and awesome as they are unknown.

5. normalman
normalman is the son of a junior CPA on the planet Arnold who believes his world will explode in eight hours. The accountant decides to send his infant son into space, where, after 20 years, he lands on a planet where everyone has superpowers, making him the only “normal” person. With the help of some of the planet’s superpowered inhabitants, including a dude named Captain Everything, who can manipulate the laws of physics  according to the needs of the situation at hand, normalman attempts to get back to Arnold (which, as it turns out, didn’t explode). 

4. Captain Koala
Before he was Captain Koala, he was a normal marsupial living at National Park in Australia. One day, he befriended a man named “Jolly Joker,” an agent for the Australian Security Service (yes, A.S.S.), one thing led to another, and the two started solving super spy cases together! 

3. Spider-Ham (Peter Porker)
Peter Porker started out as a simple spider but, as the result of bite from an irradiated anthropomorphic pig animal scientist, turned into a combination of spider and pig, with the collective powers of both species. Created for a one shot humor comic book, Spider-Ham proved too popular to be contained in one comic, and was subsequently brought back for more adventures with his friends Captain Americat and Hulk-Bunny. 

2. Squirrel Girl
Squirrel Girl is a mutant who can talk to squirrels and make them do her bidding. And while you would think that would be enough to qualify as a super hero (as squirrels are incredibly vicious, blood-thirsty creatures) that’s not all! She’s also got a big, furry prehensile squirrel tail. And teeth that chew through wood! So you can see why the Great Lakes Avengers wanted her.

1. Thunderbunny
Young Bobby Caswell was a normal teenage boy when he was presented with a box that transferred the power of the last survivor of an alien race of humanoid beings. And what did he turn into? Why a large pink bunny man, of course, endowed with the powers of super strength and flight! Apparently Bobby was a bit embarrassed by his superhuman alter ego, although I can’t imagine why.

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