Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best 5 Failures of Supermarket Labeling

This is a little old, but even old things can be funny. Like racist grandpas.


Well, sure, that's what I'd call it too.

 This is actually a supermarket labeling win. Now Aisle 9 will get all the customers because of its ingredients monopoly! Take that, other aisles!


 Now, there are two ways to interpret this, both hilarious; one is the suggestion that one purchasing baby needs might also be in need of alcoholic beverages, the other being the sad cry of a young child saying, "Baby NEEDS beers and wines!" in a style similar to that of the Hulk. And now, as I've explained the joke, neither is funny.

 I know there are many things that are funny about this, but I have a quick question for all the cat owners out there, as I've never owned a cat: do y'all call it cat sand? I could have sworn it was kitty litter. Or is that just the word you use when they're young, and then they gradually mature to cat sand?

I hope this sign was serious, because you don't even know how many times I've wanted to go to the supermarket shirtless on my bike with my dog at my side on roller blades , only to be foiled by those darn conservative markets you see so often nowadays.

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