Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best 4 Blood Types According to the Japanese

There are only four blood types, O, A, B, and AB, so this post will be focused on ranking the aforementioned according to which the Japanese think are the best. In Japan, it's believe that your blood type predicts your personality and romantic compatibility, and some blood types are more preferable than others. To be clear, this isn't some factual thing that all Japanese people believe; it's more akin to something like the zodiac, and, in fact, there are blood type horoscopes in Japan. Not that I'm bragging or anything, but I happen to be the most preferred blood type. So here we go, a list of blood types in order of preference and what personality traits they're supposed to show.

4. AB
People with the AB blood type suck. AB is considered the worst blood type because they have traits of both As and Bs, and these traits can manifest themselves unpredictably. ABs can be alternatively shy or outgoing, and sometimes stop in the middle of tasks when they think they're out of their control. Some of their positive traits are that they can be sensitive and considerate, but the overall badness of the blood type overwhelms these characteristics. Also, apparently many anime villians are this blood type.

3. B
Bs are the most practical of blood types; they're individualist, and when they set out to complete a goal, they do. They're considered a bit unconventional and sometimes arrogant. This arrogance and perceived selfishness makes them not so desirable on the dating scene.

2. A
Comprising 38% of the blood types in Japan, type A blood is fittingly seen in Type A individuals. They're pretty stressed, and very aware of other people, which makes them polite, but also sometimes non-confrontational. They're perfectionists, and also the most creative of the blood types.

1. O
It's good to be an O. Os are leaders, and very confident. They social and gregarious, and start many projects, but struggle to finish them (Don't I know it; it's a wonder I've kept this blog going for more than a week) Because they're the most "average" blood type, they're considered to be the best. The downside to the blood type is that they can sometimes come off as arrogant.

So there you have it. And also, if you were wondering, the Rhesus factor has nothing to do with these personality types, so O+ and O- are the same. 

Best 5 Failures of Supermarket Labeling

This is a little old, but even old things can be funny. Like racist grandpas.


Well, sure, that's what I'd call it too.

 This is actually a supermarket labeling win. Now Aisle 9 will get all the customers because of its ingredients monopoly! Take that, other aisles!


 Now, there are two ways to interpret this, both hilarious; one is the suggestion that one purchasing baby needs might also be in need of alcoholic beverages, the other being the sad cry of a young child saying, "Baby NEEDS beers and wines!" in a style similar to that of the Hulk. And now, as I've explained the joke, neither is funny.

 I know there are many things that are funny about this, but I have a quick question for all the cat owners out there, as I've never owned a cat: do y'all call it cat sand? I could have sworn it was kitty litter. Or is that just the word you use when they're young, and then they gradually mature to cat sand?

I hope this sign was serious, because you don't even know how many times I've wanted to go to the supermarket shirtless on my bike with my dog at my side on roller blades , only to be foiled by those darn conservative markets you see so often nowadays.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Best 5 Opinions About India Garnered By Living in a Country That Borders It According to My Asian Friend Lily

5. "They're really smart."
4. "They eat with their hands like ALL the time."
3. "They are brown."
2. "MUMBAI!!"
1. "Lagaan is the best Indian movie ever!"

So there you have it. No, she's not racist...I think.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best 5 Random Facts About the Origins of Some Video Game Characters

5. Lara Croft was a whole lot of things before she became the character we know today. First off, she was originally supposed to be a dude, with a whip and a hat. Somewhere along the line, the developers of Tomb Raider found that that idea sounded very… similar to another character, and decided to make Lara into a woman. Before settling on an upper class British archeologist-adventurer, the developers envisioned her as: a tough Spaniard, a burly woman, and a Nazi-esque militant.

4. The Legend of Zelda’s Link bears more than a coincidental resemblance with his Japanese creator, Shigeru Miyamoto. Many traits of the elfin hero are taken directly from Miyamoto, like his left-handedness. The crazy thing is, Link was left-handed in every Legend of Zelda game except for one: Twilight Princess for Wii. Why? Because the game’s developers knew that 85% of the world’s population is right-handed, and they didn’t want people to get confused with the sword controls.

3. When Sonic the Hedgehog was still in the planning stage, one of the concepts pitched was a girlfriend for the Sega mascot. A human girlfriend, named Madonna. Luckily, some people at Sega of America said, “Dudes, this is weird,” and the idea was dismissed.

2. Before Pac-Man came to the U.S., Japanese developers wanted to call him Puck-Man. This idea was quickly nixed, however, when it became apparent that American vandals might scratch over part of the “P” in Puck and make the game a little less than wholesome.

1.  All of the defining features of the man we now know as Mario were simply a result of the graphical limitations of technology at the time. The hat? Mario only has one because it was hard to portray realistic hair. The plumber’s moustache, that bit of facial hair which singlehandedly make the word “mustachioed” awesome? Only there to emphasize Mario’s nose. And the dungarees were only there to accentuate the mustachioed (see? Isn’t it fun?) man’s arm movements. I feel like my childhood was a lie.